Treacle. Caramelized. Sweet, slow motion. And sticky. So I baked a chocolate-coffee-cinnamon cake.
The light is returning, the days are getting longer, and there is this overwhelming sense of joy just flooding me, giving me energy. The earth renewing itself is always accentuated by the springtime. The smell in the air, the cold breeze carrying just a hint of warmth, birdsong...
I just opened "Moon in a Dewdrop - Writings of Zen Master Dogen" to this page: "A painting of a rice-cake does not satisfy hunger." Hmmm. At first, this statement seemed very clear. And then not. Dogen encourages us to understand the meaning of this with body and mind.
I don't think I've ever tasted chocolate-coffee-cinnamon cake because of hunger. Denko always says that we have to examine things carefully, word for word, to look at how we are affected, to see what things REALLY are. So, I guess I have my work cut out for me.
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