lørdag den 31. januar 2009

The gate

And so I start here.
Nothing to keep me from going on through except ...
Except my own feeling of "can I do this?"

This is how it gets for me when I don't sit zazen, when I don't prepare food, when I don't sweep, when I lose my focus. I've been sick (cough, cough, gag) all week. So, books, tea, bedrest, and sleep have been the agenda. I also had the opportunity to really look at some of the stuff I struggle with. Sometimes getting the 'flu is like being given a retreat cottage in a deep wood.

I am grateful every changing "here-and-now" that I have the possibility in THIS life to be ordained, to truly give my life to this practice. I mean, you don't have to be ordained to do this, but, for me, donning robes was like coming home.

At begynde...

Jeg har længe overvejet om jeg skulle "buddhistblogge" eller ej. Så meget kan vikles ind og ud af "sprog" og jeg vil så nødigt bidrage til at skabe mere forvirring om "praksis.

Idag har der været sne og sol og store skyer - og megen blæst. Og jeg har siddet her.