Since we opened our temple (and monastery) here, we have met openness, friendliness, curiosity, and tolerance.
We have received, however, 2 interesting, nearly anonymous letters - the second just the other day. Written like a mandala, around and around in the margins of an ad, that we all receive in our mailboxes:
Vestens mystik (Western mysticism)
Østens mystik (Eastern mysticism)en buddhas datter (a daughter of buddha)
Hun tror på sin mester (She has faith in her master)
her og nu (here and now)
Gud har navn på alle Guder (God knows the names of all Gods)
Hvor sidder hemmeligheden (Where is the secret to be found)
His first communication was rather more ambivalent - something about Buddhists being welcome on our road, but not in his church. I was thinking that it might be nice to meet the man who writes us these greetings; we know he is Christian and elderly and lives pretty close by. And this morning, when I shook the envelope, a flurry of small, scissor-cut pieces of paper was suddenly scattered over my keyboard. And on one of these pieces of paper, he wrote: I would like you to visit.
2 kommentarer:
Har I hørt mere?
Jeg er nysgerrig..
Nej, jeg havde tænkt, at vi skulle ud til ham her lige før parinirvana, men så kom der en hel del projektskrivende på besøg. Og så gik den dag. Vi får se. Måske skriver jeg en hilsen til ham.
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