It was my mom's birthday. She died 2½ months ago. But each and every firework in the new year heavens was for her --- she loved the brilliant fireworks that lit the skies at midnight. So, this year, I was the universe's eyes, ears, tongue, so that all beings could be a part of the celebration.
Mom died right before the start of our Autumn Sesshin. Just like my dad, 2 years back. And it was at this sesshin, 3 years ago, that I was ordained. Figure it!
In a sense, I'm a bit of a guinea pig here. If this was a traditional monastery, I'd be finished with my training now, ready to conduct funerals, weddings, and the like. But, a large part of my training and work for the monastery takes me out into the marketplace.
I work.
In some senses, I was quite prepared to bring my practice out into the world. But every single day, I am confronted with new challenges to my practice. And there are those days I wish I was bound to a monastery in the wilderness, isolated, chopping wood, carrying water, not uttering a word. I know most surely, however, that it is real gift to be out there, living and working mindfully beside my colleagues.