onsdag den 11. august 2010

Life before and after kessei, August 2010

I had written this some months ago, after a long monastery winter:

This morning I was reading a textbook on Buddhism. Reading about Buddhism - for me - is very, very far away from "living" Buddhism. There are so many words and concepts! While I am certain that these are inspiring for others, this is definitely not my way.

We have just finished an intense period of training here, with people joining us from across oceans and mountains. It has been a time of challenges and meeting new perspectives. It has been FUN!!!

We have been - and are - actualizing, as we can, the words I had read this past Spring. Not by doing certain, specific things, but by doing all things as mindfully and compassionately as we can. Zazen gives us all a chance to examine this life and see things as they really are. And a true joy of life, in life, as life arises.

How lucky I have been to be able to spend this summer supported by people and practice. I am grateful for this life.

lørdag den 9. januar 2010

Falling off

Buddhist blogging and on-line stuff seems to get soooooo serious. At least, I seem to get caught up in these quasi- and virtual realities. Discussing practice is one thing, living it is another. Even though these are intimately related and are expressions of each other.

I ended up during the Christmas break spending way too many hours on-line, discussing all sorts of subjects on a Buddhist internet forum. Tempers got aroused - even some teachers allowed themselves to get drawn in to the heat of things. Easy to see that we all are just people... practicing...

One of my concerns about starting a blog (or even answering questions or commenting in a forum) was observing "right speech". Who is this about? What influence will my words and pictures have on people who visit? How do Bodhidharma's words:
A special transmission outside the scriptures,
Not founded upon words and letters;
Pointing directly to the mind,
Seeing into one's true nature and thus attaining Buddhahood.
fit with my even trying to formulate anything at all about Buddhism?

Anybody want to help me here?