This morning I had a Disney dream, populated by talking ants and singing blades of grass. Existing for the benefit of all beings, they hoped to teach us humans the mindfulness that just naturally "is", when we let go of illusion, of the dualistic thought that anything can be separate.
Our "heroes", a married ant-couple, bravely set out on the road to California (do not ask me why!). Buffered about by wind and chance, they must survive in the cracks in the road, until the snow falls in big large flakes, giving them - and their children - a chance to slip away in safety.
They make it to Los Angeles, to the grassy field that was their goal. And at that place, the humans have arranged a seminar in mindfulness, a seminar that these ants somehow have instigated. Until the ants arrive, the seminar is rather theoretical --- lots of talk and things written on the chalkboards by the German teacher. All the students are sloppy, not caring where their coats are lying or if the coffee cups are washed. Once the ants come, however, all is changed - a new teacher has arrived and the students wake up to reality as it is, knowing just what to do.
Fade-out to the melody of the singing grass.